How Infill Developers Are Using New Zoning Laws to Find Good Deals

Infill development is becoming increasingly popular as urban areas become more crowded. Infill developers are individuals or companies that build on vacant or underutilized land, usually in established urban areas. They often face challenges such as high land costs, zoning restrictions, and local opposition. However, recent changes in zoning laws have opened up new opportunities for infill developers to find good deals. To know more about Zoning laws and how they can be used to your advantage, get in touch with us today or visit our website.

The Benefits of Infill Development

Infill development can bring significant benefits to urban areas. By building on underutilized land, infill developers can help to revitalize neighborhoods, create affordable housing, and reduce urban sprawl. Infill development can also reduce traffic congestion and make it easier for people to access public transportation. Furthermore, infill development can help to preserve historic buildings and promote sustainable development.

New Zoning Laws and Infill Development

In many cities, zoning laws have historically favored single-family homes over multi-unit buildings. However, in recent years, some cities have implemented new zoning laws that allow for more density and mixed-use development. For example, Minneapolis recently passed a comprehensive plan that eliminates single-family zoning and allows for triplexes and fourplexes in residential areas. This change has created new opportunities for infill developers to build multi-unit buildings and create more affordable housing.

Here are some of the ways that infill developers are using new zoning laws to find good deals:

  • Target areas with new zoning changes: Developers are targeting areas that have recently been rezoned to allow for higher-density development. These areas are often more desirable and have higher land values.
  • Look for properties that are underutilized or vacant: Developers are also looking for properties that are underutilized or vacant. These properties can often be acquired at a discount.
  • Work with homeowners to develop accessory dwelling units (ADUs): ADUs are small, secondary units that can be built on single-family properties. Developers are working with homeowners to build ADUs, which can provide additional housing options and generate rental income.
  • Partner with community organizations: Developers are partnering with community organizations to find good deals on land and to develop projects that meet the needs of the community.


The Challenges of Infill Development

While new zoning laws can create new opportunities for infill developers, there are still many challenges to overcome. Infill development can face opposition from local residents who are concerned about changes to their neighborhood. In addition, infill developers often face higher land costs and more restrictive zoning regulations than developers of greenfield sites. Furthermore, infill development often requires creative design solutions to fit into existing neighborhoods and meet local design guidelines.


Infill development is an important tool for revitalizing urban areas and creating more affordable housing. Recent changes in zoning laws have created new opportunities for infill developers to find good deals and build multi-unit buildings. However, infill developers still face many challenges, including local opposition, high land costs, and restrictive zoning regulations. Despite these challenges, infill development is likely to continue to be an important part of urban development in the years to come. To know more about infill development and find good deals, visit Stateful